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2024 Raqs Taiwan 即將再次掀起國際東方舞嘉年華風潮!
無論您是東方舞愛好者、學習者還是專業舞者,大師工作坊都將是一次難得的學習和交流機會。在這裡你可以與來自世界各地的優秀舞者一起磨練技藝,分享你的想法和經驗,領悟文化融合的真正之美。 在我們激動人心的Raqs台灣國際盃比賽中,我們渴望看到參賽者們以獨特的表現來角逐並贏得榮譽獎品。舞台上綻放的嫻熟技巧、精湛動作、獨特風格,給觀眾帶來視覺上和心靈上的震撼和感動。 我們還有大師級老師表演的文藝晚會,用激情和愛呈現一場精彩的文化藝術盛宴。讓我們共同期待一系列精彩活動,共同見證2024年Raqs台灣的蓬勃發展!
📣 Early Bird regisration only until 31st December, 2023!!
🌟All Series Early Bird Only
USD$585 = NTD$17,500
Original price
原價美金$1,300 / 台幣$39,000
Including 6 Workshops + Gala Show Ticket + Competition Ticket + Certificate
包含六堂大師營課程 + 晚會票 + 觀賽票 + 證書
Raqs Taiwan 2024 is going to set off a wave of the international oriental dance fever again! This three-day festival contains Master Workshops, Competition and Gala Show and will be an unforgettable experience for all of us.
We are proud to announce that
there will be the top leaders of
oriental dance masters
from Egypt, and the light of
Taiwan ALIDA LIN !!!
whether, you are an oriental dance lover, learner or professional dancer, the Master Workshops will be a rare opportunity for learning and networking. Here you can polish your skills with great dancers from all over the world, share your thoughts and experience, and comprehend the real beauty of cultural fusion.
At the our exciting Raqs Taiwan International Cup competition, we are eager to see the unique performances from the participants to compete and win the honorable prize. The proficient skills, exquisite moves and distinctive styles blooming on stage will impress and touch the audience both visually and mentally.
We also have a Gala Show with performances from master teachers, a wonderful feast of the arts and culture presented with passion and love. Let’s look forward to the series of great events, and witness the booming of Raqs Taiwan in 2024!
在高中和大學期間,她參加了台灣最著名和最有聲望的舞蹈學校並獲得了舞蹈學位,期間也學習了街舞 ,熱舞 , 雷鬼 ,多種娛樂性休閒舞蹈 也曾幫娛樂圈名人訓練上電視節目。
在與許多來自世界各地的高級教師學習了東方舞之後, 開發了自己獨特的風格和感受,被許多人認為是最真實和最具表現力的舞蹈。這一學習的道路轉變至今被認為是最著名的台灣東方舞蹈家之一。
這裡有一些Alida Raqs最引人注目的成就:
2011年北京世界國際肚皮舞節-職業個人現代東方舞 第一名
埃及2015 Raqs Of Course 職業個人東方舞世界總冠軍
保加利亞2016年Orental El Hob Professional Solo 總冠軍
在她獲得了一些勝利後,Alida 被注意到,並成為今天最受尊敬的國際知名舞蹈家/教師之一。她受邀在世界各地教授和評判國際比賽,下面是她受邀參加的一些城市和國家:法國,意大利,保加利亞,芝加哥, 紐約,烏克蘭,日本,香港,中國,瑞士,韓國,新加坡,迪拜,巴西,加拿大,最重要的是埃及開羅 曾受邀於埃及Raqs of Caurse 教學演出
在2023年起至Cleopatra Egyptian Dance Fest 教學評審演出。
Alida 已經獲得認同可在世界各地授課教學演出
Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Alida began from the age of 3 learning many forms of dance Ballet, jazz, contemporary and traditional Chinese folklore. It didn’t take long for dance professionals to notice her talent and was picked, at the age of 9, to become a member of a traditional Chinese Folklore dance company. During those years Alida, traveled the world performing at many concert halls and with that she gained a tremendous performing experience. In High school and college, she attended the most famous and most prestigious dance schools in Taiwan and earned degree of dance, and study different kinds dance , hip hop , reggae , several entertainment dances, trained celebrity for tv show
In 2003, she took some lessons in Oriental Dance and fell in love with this style of dance and the power of expression that she was looking for to express her inner self. Alida developed her own unique style and feel for the dance that is considered by many to be most authentic and expressive after she had studied Oriental Dance with many master teachers from all over the world, This journey led Alida to be considered one of the most famous Taiwanese Oriental dancer/Bellydancer. In Addition to her extensive training and performing in dance and Oriental dance, Alida is an accomplished musician who has trained and played several instruments such as Piano, Harmonica, accordion, Saggat, flute and tabla as well. This gives Alida a refined musical ability to hear the music and gives her an edge when dancing. Alida is the proud Founder and producer of Raqs Taiwan International Oriental Festival in New Taipei City Taiwan, where she hosts many internationally acclaimed master teachers from all over the world. Here are some of Alida most notable accomplishments: First place winner, in 2011 Beijing World Bellydance. First place winner, in 2015 Raqs Of Course , Cairo Egypt First place winner, in 2016 Orental El Hob Professional Solo in Bulgaria After some of her wins Alida was noticed and became one of the most respected and internationally acclaimed dancer/ teacher today. She was invited to teach and judge International Competitions all over the world, here are some of the cities and countries that she was invited to: France, Italy ,Bulgaria ,Chicago , NYC, Ukraine ,Japan, Hong Kong, China, Switzerland, Korea Singapore, Dubai , Brazil, Canada and most importantly Cairo, Egypt. Available for hire to teach and perform everywhere in the world.
Invited to teach and perform in Raqs of Causese, Egypt .
From 2023 to Cleopatra Egyptian Dance Fest teaching judging performance

她的才華並不需要很長時間,並在9歲時被選為中國民間傳統舞蹈公司的成員(育化民族舞蹈團)。在那些年間,Alida Lin在世界各地的藝術節裡演出,並獲得了極高的演出經驗。

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